Where your TVPS journey begins!
Waar jou TVPS-reis begin!
- Sat, 27 JulCape Town
- Sat, 13 JulCape Town

Why Lilliput Campus?
B Ed Qualified Teachers!
Discover TVPS Lilliput Campus, where we offer 7 English Grade R classes alongside an Afrikaans Grade R class. We take pride in our B Ed qualified class teachers who are dedicated to nurturing young minds. Moreover, each class is supported by a dedicated class assistant, ensuring that every learner receives the individual attention they deserve during their reception year.
B.Ed Gekwalifiseerde Onderwysers!
Laerskool Table View Lilliput Kampus het 7 Engelse Graad R-klasse en 'n Afrikaanse Graad R-klas. Ons is trots daarop dat al ons klasonderwysers B Ed gekwalifiseerd is. Daarbenewens het elke klas 'n klasassistent wat die leerders in hul eerste skooljaar ondersteun.
Hoekom Lilliput-kampus?
Groot en pragtige speelgrond!
Elke besoeker aan Laerskool Table View: Lilliput-kampus is verstom oor ons groot en pragtige speelgrond. Ons leerders word aangemoedig om te hardloop, te speel en te leer op ons fantastiese klimrame en speelgrond!
Large and Beautiful Playground!
Experience the wonder of Table View Primary School Lilliput Campus, where every visitor is captivated by our expansive and picturesque playground. Our learners are inspired to explore, play, and discover on our incredible jungle gyms and play areas, fostering a dynamic environment where fun and learning go hand in hand!

Why Lilliput Campus?
CAPS Curriculum
In all our Grade R classes, we adhere to the CAPS curriculum, ensuring that each learner is thoroughly prepared for their next exciting journey: Grade 1 at Big School!
Al ons Graad R-klasse volg die KABV-kurrikulum wat al ons leerders voorberei vir hul volgende groot avontuur, Graad 1 by die “Groot Skool"!
Hoekom Lilliput-kampus?
Kreatiwiteit aangemoedig!
Kuns is 'n belangrike deel van ons kinders se holistiese opvoeding by die Lilliput-kampus! Ons leerders kry elke dag die geleenthede om hulself uit te druk deur kreatiewe skeppings in die klas!
Creativity Encouraged!
At Lilliput Campus, we recognize the significance of art in fostering holistic education for our children. Through daily classroom activities, our learners are provided with ample opportunities to unleash their creativity and express themselves through various artistic endeavors.

Why Lilliput Campus?
Learn through Play!
Recognizing that children thrive in environments filled with fun and engaging activities, we prioritize play in our daily routine at Lilliput Campus! From baking sessions to puzzle-building adventures, our learners enjoy a wide array of interactive games and activities that make learning an enjoyable experience every day.
Ons verstaan dat ons kinders meer leer deur prettige speletjies en aktiwiteite! Ons speel elke dag! Ons bak, bou legkaarte en soveel meer!
Leer deur Speel!
Hoekom Lilliput-kampus?
Sport en fiksheid!
'n Gesonde liggaam bevorder 'n gesonde gees! Ons neem elke dag deel aan oefening! Deur vennootskappe met Sports Hub en Cape Kinetics speel ons sport, bly fiks en leer ons belangrike motoriese vaardighede aan wat ons voorberei vir ons toekoms!
Sport and Fitness!
We firmly believe in the connection between a healthy body and a healthy mind. That's why we prioritize daily exercise as a cornerstone of our curriculum. Through partnerships with Sports Hub and Cape Kinetics, our learners engage in various sports activities, keeping fit while honing essential motor skills that pave the way for their future success.

Why Lilliput Campus?
Mindfulness Activities
We at Lilliput Campus believe in introducing mindfulness to our Grade R learners. Through simple exercises like deep breathing and mindful listening, children learn to manage stress, focus, and regulate their emotions. These skills not only benefit their well-being now but also prepare them for future challenges by fostering resilience and self-awareness.
By Lilliput-kampus glo ons daaraan om selfbewustheid deur Mindfulness aan ons graad R-leerders bekend te stel. Deur eenvoudige oefeninge soos byvoorbeeld om diep asem te haal en met bewustheid te luister, leer kinders om druk te hanteer, te fokus en hul emosies te reguleer. Hierdie vaardighede bevoordeel nie net hul welstand nie, maar berei hulle ook voor vir toekomstige uitdagings deur hul uithouvermoë en selfbewustheid te bevorder.
Selfbewustheid deur Mindfulness
Hoekom Lilliput-kampus?
Robotika in die klaskamer
By Lilliput duik ons leerders in die wêreld van robotika deur prettige, praktiese aktiwiteite. Gelei deur bekwame fasiliteerders, leer hulle basiese konsepte, probleemoplossing en kreatiwiteit aan terwyl hulle eenvoudige robotte bou en programmeer. Hierdie vroeë blootstelling prikkel nuuskierigheid en bevorder toekomstige STEM-leer, wat ons studente bemagtig om innoverende denkers te word.
Robotics in the Classroom
At Lilliput our learners dive into the world of robotics through fun, hands-on activities. Guided by skilled facilitators, they learn basic concepts, problem-solving, and creativity while building and programming simple robots. This early exposure sparks curiosity and fosters future STEM learning, empowering our students to become innovative thinkers.

Why Lilliput Campus?
Guaranteed future at Table View
Primary School Grade 1-7
Table View Primary School Lilliput Campus is where your TVPS journey begins! Lilliput Campus learners are guaranteed a Grade 1 placement at our Main Campus!
Gewaarborgde toekoms by
Laerskool Table View Graad 1-7
Laerskool Table View Lilliput-kampus is waar jou TVPS-reis begin! Lilliput-kampusleerders word gewaarborg van 'n plasing by ons hoofkampus, Laerskool Table View te kry!