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Table View Primary School - Compulsory School Fees 2024

At the Parent Budget Meeting, held on 28 September 2023, the proposed budget and school fees were unanimously accepted by the parents present and voting. 


School fees are a statutory obligation in terms of Section 40 of the South African Schools Act. Biological/adoptive parents are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the school fees, irrespective of their marital status. It remains the responsibility of the parent with whom the learner resides to share all correspondence and notices with the other party. 


School Fees for 2023 will be R16 700 per learner per annum


The School Governing Body and parents adopted a resolution at the Budget Meeting in 2023 that allows parents to pay their school fees over their choice of annually, quarterly or over 10 or 11 months.

  • School fees take first priority - all payments will first be allocated to school fees. No Promises of payments with year-end bonuses will be accepted.

  • Persons with Temporary Residence in South Africa fall under the Immigrations Act 19 of 2004, Section 13 and therefore valid study permits must be submitted and school fees must be paid.

  • School fee payments may be made in the following manner:

    • Cash or card at the school fees office

    • Internet banking transfer (EFT)

    • Debit order

    • Stop order

  • Kindly note your account number on your statement and use it as a reference when making a payment. 

  • Account queries can be sent to Mrs C Fourie at:


Bank Account Details

Please ensure that your SCHOOL ACCOUNT NUMBER appears on the deposit slip when making a direct deposit or a stop order from your bank.


Account Name: Table View Primary School

Bank: Standard Bank

Account Number: 272 203 106

Branch Code: 051001

Reference: This number can be found on your statement or you can contact the school fees office



Debit Order via the School:

We encourage parents to make use of debit order facility. If you would like to setup a debit order please contact the School Fees Office on 021 557 6143 or


Early Care & After Care

Early Care Fees - R600 per term per learner

Time: 6:15 - 7:30

Payments is strictly in advance on or by 1 January / 1 April / 1 July / 1 October 2024


Aftercare Fees: R1600 per learner per month

Time: Directly after school until 18:00

Holiday Time: 7:30 - 18:00 (included in annual rate)

Aftercare is offered for Grade 1 - 3 learners. 

Payments is strictly in advance.


School fees will take 1st priority. No learner will be allowed to attend earlycare or aftercare if school fees are in arrears.


For further information please email Mrs P Naidoo at


Art Club

Art Club Fees: R280 per learner per term

Contact Miss A Heald for further information at


D6 Connect - Cashless Environment

Table View Primary School is moving to a cashless environment. 

Please connect to the D6 Connect Cashless Wallet - all information is on D6 Connect App or contact D6 support on 087 820 0088 or


Fairway Rd, Table View, Cape Town, 7441          Tel: 021 5576143

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